Jan 15Liked by Noah MacCallum

My takeaways from your article:

* You have to pinch yourself sometimes but we really are approaching Terminator land. I'm hoping we can keep AI away from those kind of destructive systems.

* I find the constitution AI method super interesting because I never would connect technology to society building, but here we are. I wonder if that training has to be ongoing and interestingly, subject to a democratic procedure. Just like we elect judges, congress people, etc who ultimately draft, change, and interpret law - do we something similar here? Fascinating to think about.

* As someone who only knows AI from the practitioner side, I find the Explainability part most haunting. I'm an engineer - I've always been able to reverse engineer every output. This is the first time where I truly don't know how output is being formed. It's so strange. And what's wild is that the creators of these LLMs feel the same way. Stephen Wolfram gets at this in his "What is ChatGPT Doing..." piece here: https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/02/what-is-chatgpt-doing-and-why-does-it-work/

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